
Primary Campus

1608 Trumansburg Rd
Ithaca, NY

Jacksonville Campus

1872 Trumansburg Rd
Trumansburg, NY


Primary Campus

1608 Trumansburg Rd
Ithaca, NY

Jacksonville Campus

1872 Trumansburg Rd
Trumansburg, NY

Before / After School & Camps

Before & After School

Before School

Children who arrive early begin their day working with the adults to prepare their classroom environment by folding laundry, preparing snack, putting down tables, and refilling supplies. This is a warm and inviting time of close connection between children and adults. The usual options within the classroom are available as well if a child prefers to get started on a favorite activity.

After School

The after school program offers cooperative or individual play-based activities that allow the children further social engagement and opportunities to engage with their peers or time for relaxation and quiet if that is preferred. The after school staff will lead games and songs, crafts and activities based on the needs and desires of the group of children.

Elementary Camps

When the Namaste elementary program is not in session but schools in the area are open, there are often camps offered that follow a theme including a multiday project or two within that theme. Past themes have been dinosaurs, ocean animals, volcanos, cooking, art, music, theater, gardening and survival skills. The children help decide on topics of interest for their camp weeks. The daily routine includes outside playtime, free play with games and manipulatives, and quiet reading and art times to follow the natural rhythms of the child.